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Only 12 more days till Christmas!

Did you know...In the song 12 Days of Christmas, the singer's True Love gave a total of 364 gifts in 12 days?!

Show a little Christmas love...

Give just a fraction of that love to Symons Valley Park this year through our 12 Days of Christmas Donation Drive--Just a dollar on the first day, two on the second and so on, up to $12 on the last day. That's a total of $78 by Christmas Day.

And if you're feeling extra festive, consider giving a little more!

Help keep "Santa's workshop" running all year round

To keep Symons Valley Park's own "Santa's workshop" running all year round, consider becoming a monthly donor. A monthly gift means Symons Valley Park volunteers (ahem...elves!) have a stable funding source to help bring Symons Valley Park closer to construction.

Your donation will provide the funding we need to deliver key initiatives next year:

  • Hire a landscape architect to take Symons Valley Park's concept plan to detailed design.

  • Create a donor recognition program that will help us show appreciation to contributors like you.

  • Develop a sponsorship plan that will guide our fundraising efforts to successfully attract corporate and business sponsors.

When you make a charitable donation to Symons Valley Park, you can get up to 40% of tax credits back. That's money back in your pocket! Be sure to make your donation to Symons Valley Park before December 31, 2021. Thank you for thinking of Symons Valley Park in your holiday giving.

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